
102 Ave and 83 Ave bike routes

ISL Engineering has been selected to design bike infrastructure for 102 Ave (from 136 St to 96 St) and 83 Ave (from 112 St to Mill Creek Ravine). From the City of Edmonton:

These routes are intended to be high quality, all‐seasons routes that will be comfortable to a wide range of users, particularly families. The bike routes could include separated bike lanes that have a physical separation between vehicle traffic and the bike lanes. They could also include buffered bike lanes or bike boulevards or some combination thereof.

These routes haven't been designed yet, so this is a prime opportunity for residents, business owners, and other community members who have interest in these routes to be involved in the planning and design of these bike routes. Even the routes themselves are up for discussion.

To be involved in the planning of 102 Ave, please join the West Downtown Complete Streets working group.

To be involved in the planning of 83 Ave, please join the Strathcona Complete Streets working group.

You don't have to be a cyclist to be involved. You don't even need to be an active supporter of cycling infrastructure to be involved: we are looking to have all perspectives represented constructively to achieve the best possible infrastructure.

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Complete Streets Strathcona November 2012 Open House Summary Report

The next meeting of the Complete Streets Strathcona working group will be on Tuesday, December 11, at 7pm at the Old Strathcona Business Association Office (#202, 10345 Whyte Ave). Please go to for full details. On Thursday, November 8, 2012, the Complete Streets Strathcona working group hosted an open house at the Strathcona Community League Hall from 7-9pm. The working group collected design ideas and feedback from members of the public, focusing on ideas to make the Whyte Avenue area friendlier to pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. Representatives from the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters’ Society, Strathcona Centre Community League, the City of Edmonton, and the Old Strathcona Business Association, as well as University of Alberta students and community residents are all involved in the working group.

You can download a PDF version of this summary report here:

View Complete Streets Strathcona - Public Input Map in a larger map

Please add your feedback to the interactive map. A free Google Account is needed. To add markers to this map, log in to a Google account, click here to view the map, and then click "Edit".


Complete Streets Strathcona is a multi-stakeholder working group that formed after the tragic death of Isaak Kornelsen. A number of group rides, forums and meetings have been held since then.

The purpose of the November 8 Open House was to seek input from the public and interested stakeholders on the priorities of the working group as well as to solicit specific road design features in order to advance the group’s vision for the safest and most comfortable bike infrastructure in the Old Strathcona area.


Complete Streets Strathcona, with the help of Tyler Golly from the City of Edmonton’s Transportation Services department (Sustainable Transportation section), provided large maps of the entire area (from 114 St to 92 St, Saskatchewan Dr to south of 76 Ave) as well as large maps of 82 and 83 Ave from 114 St to 92 St, including road and lane widths. Images of various kinds of cycling infrastructure (though without detailed text descriptions) were also available. Representatives from the City and Complete Streets Strathcona were available to answer questions.

Members of the public were invited to provide their feedback in provided comment sheets, as well as directly on the maps. Over 110 pieces of individual feedback were received from roughly 25 participants. This report contains a summary of feedback received during the open house, grouped by location, as well as an appendix of all feedback received.

Most of the feedback listed in the appendix has been copied verbatim from notes written or attached to the maps, with some clarification added and descriptions of illustrations written. Locations of the feedback have been recorded as best possible. The source material may be made available by request. An interactive version of the map, including feedback, is available at


The feedback described in this document does not necessarily represent the views or the position of Complete Streets Strathcona and its stakeholders. It is simply a summary of the feedback we received during the November 8 Open House.

There were four important, major trends that were identified in the feedback at the open house.

Focus on 83 Avenue

Over 80 per cent of the feedback received was placed on or written about 83 Avenue. Most of the rest was concerned with the conversion of the 104 Street northbound bus lane into a separated two-way cycle track between 76 and 83 Ave.

Reduce traffic volumes

Reducing automobile traffic volumes makes roads more comfortable and safer for cyclists and pedestrians. Comments included but are not limited to:

  • Designate 83 Ave as one-way street
  • Restrict parking to permit-holding residents
  • Install traffic diverters

Reduce car traffic speeds

This was another common theme. Suggested measures in this realm include:

  • Install single lane traffic circles
  • Installation of traffic diverters
  • North/south stop signs on streets that intersect with 83 Avenue

Make cyclists feel welcome and wanted

Participants generally felt designing a street that caters to cyclists means more than signage and painted lanes. Ideas brought forth during the open house included:

  • Separated cycle tracks
  • Bike buttons
  • A safe way to cross 109 Street
  • Bike corrals on and next to Whyte Ave
  • Priority bike signals at relevant traffic lights
  • Bike boxes
  • Connecting fully with other bike infrastructure at 112 Street, 106 Street, the 104 Street counter-flow bus lane, 97 Street and and the bridge across Millcreek Ravine in order to connect to the Faculte St. Jean campus

Select Locations

Most comments were related to 83 Ave. Some comments were also received regarding 82 Ave as well as 104 St. A summary of comments near some of the major intersections follows. This does not cover all of the feedback received; please see the appendix or online interactive map for full details.

83 Ave

Comments extending the length of 83 Ave mostly relate to:

  • limiting parking to permits, metering parking spaces, or removing parking
  • one-way traffic and contra-flow bike lanes
  • one-way bike lanes
  • two-way bike lanes
  • disallowing automobiles

83 Ave and 109 St

The majority of comments surrounding this intersection focused on traffic controls, including:

  • traffic light controls, either synchronized with Whyte or cyclist- and pedestrian-controlled
  • reversible centre lane for 109 St to provide space for bike lanes
  • prohibiting taxis from the bus/bike/taxi lane between 82 and 83 Ave

83 Ave and 107 St

Comments indicated traffic diverters and N-S stop signs at this intersection, as well as N-S bike lanes along 107 St.

83 Ave and 106 St

Yields and mini traffic circle were suggested to make a strong connection here with the existing N-S bike lanes along 106 St.

82 Ave and 106 St

Bike buttons were noted here to facilitate N-S movement across Whyte. There is an existing pedestrian-controlled crosswalk at this intersection, as well as a short-term loading zone on the northwest corner.

82 Ave and 104 St

Many comments in this area related to turning the 104 St northbound access road into a 2-way cycle track. Feedback included:

  • 2-way cycle track from existing 76 Ave bike lane to Saskatchewan Drive
  • bike-advance signals for crossing Whyte
  • moving the #52 bus route to Gateway Blvd
  • utilizing the space for food trucks and other street-life amenities

83 Ave and 104 to 103 St

This section, in the heart of the theatre district and passing in front of the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market received a larger number of comments.

  • diverters to prevent pass-through automobile access
  • lower speed limit
  • bike & pedestrian priority
  • restricting all automobile traffic from 104 St to 99 St along 83 Ave

83 Ave and 103 St

  • traffic diverters to limit access to 83 Ave
  • bike buttons
  • 4-way traffic lights

83 Ave and 102 St

  • remove boulevard and widen lane
  • traffic diverter
  • N-S stop signs

83 Ave and 99 St

  • bike buttons
  • traffic diverters to limit 83 Ave access
  • church parking access required
  • 4-way traffic lights

83 Ave and 96 St

  • signage to connect to Mill Creek Bridge
  • limit access to 96 St from Whyte


This open house is among the first steps in a consultation process that Complete Streets Strathcona is embarking on. These collaborative activities help provide direction as we work with the City and other groups toward safe, comfortable cycling infrastructure in the Old Strathcona area.

Get involved: bike infrastructure in Old Strathcona


The Edmonton Journal recently published an article on the inadequacy of sharrows. You can get involved now to help us get better, real bike infrastructure.

C2C Forum on Bike Lanes

Campus 2 Campus, a group of public health student advocates concerned about safe cycling infrastructure in our university community, invites you to a forum on safe bike transport between Campus Saint Jean and North Campus.

On Friday, November 2, from 1pm-2:30pm, in the Alumni Room in SUB, at the University of Alberta, we will be joined by City Councillor Ben Henderson; Chris Chan, Executive Director of the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society; and Kim McRae, a U of A medical student.

This forum is open for all students, staff, community members, cyclists, and aspiring cyclists. The forum will be an opportunity to collaborate, learn and share ideas to address the problem of the lack of safe and inclusive cycling in our community.

Complete Streets Strathcona Action Plan

Saturday, November 3, 2012 9:30am until 4:00pm Room 251, School of Business Building, University of Alberta

After the tragic death of Isaak Kornelsen, a working group has formed to create the best bike infrastructure for the Whyte Ave area. It's a coalition of people and groups that includes the Old Strathcona Business Association, Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society, and the Old Strathcona Community League. It also consists of concerned citizens who enjoy riding their bicycles around Old Strathcona safely.

We need you to help shape the goals, objective and vision for Complete Streets Strathcona. These core ideas are crucial to providing structure to the group, creating momentum and giving new members a foundation based on shared goals and principles.

Objectives for the meeting:

  1. Define the project, including goals, objectives, scope, and deliverables.
  2. Develop the action plan!
  3. Reach agreement on vision and name.

In a general sense, objective #1 will be the first half of the day and objective #2 will be the second half of the day. Vision and name will be the last half hour or so, as a wrap-up.

We will provide coffee and morning and afternoon snacks. We will break for lunch at noon.

The event will be facilitated by Robyn Jacobsen and Kaylyn Airey.

Please RSVP to

Bike Lanes For Whyte Ave - We Want Your Input

Thursday, November 8, 2012 7:00pm until 9:00pm Strathcona Community League Hall (10139 87 Ave)

The City of Edmonton is planning to improve the streets in and around Whyte Avenue and this is a public opportunity to offer suggestions and ideas for how to improve them for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders.

The Complete Streets Strathcona working group will be collecting design ideas and feedback from members of the public on what would make the Whyte Avenue area friendlier to pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders.

We will provide large printouts of the routes being addressed and representatives from the city and Complete Streets Strathcona will be there to take questions.

Edmonton deserves better streets for everyone and this is a chance to have your say.

Cyclist Town Hall Meeting: Whyte Avenue Corridor Presentation


Thanks to Conrad Nobert of Green Edmonton for organizing tonight's town hall meeting on Whyte Ave cycling infrastructure. We filled the hall (the photo was taken before we did), and it was great to see all the interest and passion.

If you came, please consider attending our AGM as well. We need strong voices to be heard.

Here's EBC's presentation from this evening:

Cyclist Town Hall Meeting: Whyte Avenue Corridor Bike Paths


As Edmonton’s cycling hub, the Whyte Avenue Corridor is in dire need of dedicated infrastructure to increase safety and make cycling more comfortable for cyclists of all abilities. Come to this town hall meeting and help galvanize public support for Whyte Avenue Bike infrastructure, and form a working group to refine a proposal to make to the city. Cyclists should decide what infrastructure would best improve cycling safety and comfort along the Whyte Avenue corridor.


  • Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society: presentation on bicycle infrastructure
  • Conrad Nobert: Ideas for Whyte Avenue Bike Infrastructure
  • Ben Henderson, Edmonton City Councillor
  • You: open forum/town hall meeting. What bicycle infrastructure do you think would make Whyte Avenue safer and more comfortable for cyclists?

When: September 25, 2012, 7:30pm Where: Queen Alexandra Community Hall, 10425 University Ave (near Calgary Trail and 76th Avenue)

For more information, see the event page on Green Edmonton or Facebook.

Memorial Ride for Isaak Kornelsen


A memorial ride for Isaak Kornelsen will be taking place on Friday, August 31, at 5:30pm. We will meet at City Hall and ride to the site of the ghost bike at 102 St and Whyte Ave. Please be aware that while EPS, ETS, and the City are aware of the ride, we will not be riding as an escorted event, but rather as simply regular traffic. Therefore, normal traffic regulations apply, and we will be riding single-file and in accordance with all traffic laws. Lane position will be determined by safety considerations.

We'll be riding from City Hall, the building where infrastructure decisions take place. The memorial will form a human bike lane as we proceed from City Hall to the site of the tragic collision that killed Isaak. In commemorating Isaak, we want the City to recognize that all citizens deserve fair access to safe and effective mobility. Protected bike lanes on Whyte Avenue would just be the first step.

If you require a bike for this ride, please e-mail For inquiries requiring immediate response, please call Chris Chan at 780-700-5564.

Cyclist death


Tragic news today: Isaak Kornelsen was killed on Whyte Ave this morning by a passing cement truck, just blocks from BikeWorks. As a memorial, we'll be putting up a ghost bike today at 2:30pm at 101 St and Whyte Ave. Our condolences to the family and friends.

The Edmonton Journal reports that EPS has called the incident a "freak accident".

Collisions aren't freak accidents. They're the result of a series of decisions and events and the dynamics of traffic, taking place within a built environment and road design. We don't know the full details of this incident, but calling it a "freak accident" ignores the role that infrastructure and education play in how drivers and cyclists can share the road safely.

Vancouver & Montreal (among many other major cities) have separated bike lanes on commercial arterial roads: what if we had a separated bike lane going down Whyte Ave (like Times Square in New York City, or down Broadway, or 9th Ave)?