Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of up to twelve individuals elected by the Bike Edmonton membership. Board members are volunteers who govern the affairs of Bike Edmonton according to our bylaws. The board meets at least once a month at regular board meetings and at other times as needed. Board meetings are open to all Bike Edmonton members.
For more information, contact us at board@bikeedmonton.ca.
Interested in serving on our Board of Directors or know someone who is? Check out our nomination form.
Bylaws, Policies, Meeting Minutes
In an effort to operate a responsible, transparent, and accountable organization, we welcome Bike Edmonton members and the public to review our current bylaws, policies and meeting minutes.
You can view minutes from past board meetings, current bylaws and policies and more on our wiki.
Board Members
Keith Heslinga, President
Colin Margetts, Vice President
Adam Burgess, Secretary
Derek Walter, Treasurer
Derek Kramar
Heather Young-Leslie
Matthew Hoyt
Thomas Lee
Brad Goertz
Rebecca Houle
Karl Tracksdorf
Stella Viviana
Keith Heslinga, President
Marcel Huculak, Treasurer
Adam Burgess, Secretary (appointed February 2024)
Colin Margetts (appointed February 2024)
Derek Kramar (appointed February 2024)
Heather Young-Leslie (appointed February 2024)
Matthew Hoyt
Sarah Bisbee
Former Directors
Alexandra Stout, Secretary (till February 2024)
Gino Akbari (till February 2024)
Stephen Paskaluk
Nazz Baksh
Daniel Adams
Alexandra Stout
Andi Eng
Ceileigh Cunningham
Charlotte Thomasson
Jason Wang
John Fuller
Kelly Granigan
Marcel Huculak
Matthew Hoyt
Maxine Myre
Michelle Bourdon
Stephen Paskaluk
Andi Eng, Acting President
Byron Vass, Treasurer
Matthew Hoyt, Acting Secretary
John Fuller
Keith Heslinga
Maxine Myre
Michelle Bourdon
Former Directors
Sarah Rebryna, President (till May 2022)
Roy Coulthard, Vice President (till June 2022)
Sarah Rebryna, President
Matthew Hoyt, Vice President
Roy Coulthard, Treasurer
Andi Eng, Secretary
Annya Hundal
Jarett Stastny
Keith Heslinga
Ken Amesbury
Michelle Bourdon
Rachel Keglowitsch
Jeremy Shepherd, President
Mike Sacha, Vice President
Talha Zafar, Treasurer
Jasmine Farahbakhsh, Secretary
Annya Hundal
Husam Charkeih
Matthew Hoyt
Mike Pybus
Rachel Keglowitsch
Sarah Rebryna
Jeremy Shepherd, President
Mike Sacha, Vice President
Ali Charkeih, Treasurer
Jasmine Farahbakhsh, Secretary
Dustin Martin
Helen Frost
Annya Hundal
Mark Husband
Mike Pybus
Mike Wilson
Nancy Milakovic
Sarah Rebryna
Jeremy Shepherd, President
Nancy Milakovic, Vice President
Ali Charkeih, Treasurer
Jasmine Farahbakhsh, Secretary
Geoff Hansen
Helen Frost, from November 2017
Jonathan Woelber
Kabir Nadkarni
Mike Pybus
Mike Sacha, from November 2017
Former Director
Michael Cenkner, until April 2018