Are you passionate about cycling issues in Edmonton? Are you interested in helping direct the agenda for EBC, as well as the city as a whole? Do you know anyone that fits that description?
We need you, and we need your skilled network of policy wonks, legal pundits, bookkeepers, DIYers, dreamers and changemakers.
For various reasons, much of EBC's current board will not be returning after their current terms end on December 1, 2014. Our bylaws require a minimum of 7 board members; we cannot operate below this number. We need you to join the Board of Directors. We need the stellar folk that you're connected to.
You can nominate yourself or someone you know to EBC's Board of Directors by completing our nomination form. Additional information on the board is available on our governance page. If selected, nominees will be appointed for a 1-year term.
If you have any questions about the nomination process or the responsibilities and expectations of a board member, please contact Caylie Gnyra, Director of Strategic Planning.
Please share this request with your network.