Sunday November 3rd at 1:00pm
Strathcona Community League (upper hall) 10139 87 Ave
It has been a year of transition for Bike Edmonton, and we are so grateful for the support of all our members. Last winter you responded to our appeal, and raised more than $30,000 to help keep Bike Edmonton alive and well.
Now, we invite all members to our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, November 3rd, 1pm at the Strathcona Community League's upper hall (10139 87 Ave), where we will discuss the year that was, share our 2024-2025 budget for your consideration, and elect new Board members.
Consider joining our Board of Directors
There has been a lot of turnover on the Board since the last AGM, and we have room for up to 5 new Board members. If you think you can help keep Bike Edmonton on the cycle-track to a sustainable future, nominate yourself by sending a brief bio or statement of intent to, or get in touch if you want more information.
What makes a great nonprofit board member?
We believe diversity makes for a strong board. General traits that are always valued on our Board include:
passion for cycling and Edmonton's cycling community
commitment to service and stewardship of the organization
reliable participation in meetings and committees
ability to work collaboratively on a team and independently as required
willingness to listen, learn, and make informed decisions
All Bike Edmonton members are invited and encouraged to attend. We need your support, and want to hear your feedback. Members in good standing who are present at the meeting (no proxies) may vote.
Members in good standing are regular members who have been members for at least one calendar month and any honorary members. A regular member who has lapsed for no more than six months shall also be considered a member in good standing immediately upon payment of their dues.