Please make your voice heard
The vote to fund the City of Edmonton's Bike Plan is THIS Friday, December 9, 2022.
The Bike Plan needs $200 million. Some councillors have proposed the plan receive only $30 million. If their proposal is accepted, the Bike Plan cannot be implemented as designed. The City's lack of debt room means that future funding for the Bike Plan won't become available until the 2031-2034 Capital Budget cycle.
It's NOW OR NEVER. If you support the Bike Plan, you can make your voice heard in several ways:
The Bike Plan is the FIRST item up for debate at 9:30 in the morning. If you can work from home, please come work from City Hall. Bring your bike helmet as a show of solidarity.
PHONE councillors who moved or seconded motions for reductions
Ask them to reconsider and support the full allocation for the Bike Plan.
Tim Cartmell: 780-496-8130 and Sarah Hamilton: 780-496-8120, who proposed funding reduction to $30 million
Keren Tang 780-496-8142 and Erin Rutherford 780-496-8136, who proposed funding reduction to $50 million
EMAIL City Council
Send your email voicing your support for the Bike Plan to
Please note: Climate Justice Edmonton will also be rallying at City Hall at noon to demand strong climate investment in the city budget.
Why is the Bike Plan important?
We need active transportation choices that are safe and accessible for all ages and abilities.
A bike-friendly city is more affordable for residents—who can save thousands of dollars every year if they have the option to bike instead of drive. It also builds healthier communities, both financially and physically.
A bike-friendly city is also more affordable for the whole community. Bike infrastructure is far cheaper to maintain than car infrastructure and results in more financially productive places—not to mention healthier, safer citizens.
Active Transportation is critical to achieving the vision of Edmonton as set out in The City Plan and the Economic Action Plan.
The success of many City Plan targets depends on the implementation of a city-wide all-ages and all-abilities bike network. These include targets related to mode share, greenhouse gas emissions, accessibility and affordability.
If you support the Bike Plan, make your voice heard.
Show up at City Hall, call councillors, email City Council.
Thank you!