WinterCity Studded Winter Tire Challenge 2021

Are you just starting to winter cycle and need studded tires? Or did you try to winter cycle, but found you needed support to be successful? We have some studded winter tires to give away and a number of ways you can embrace winter cycling in our winter city!

The City of Edmonton WinterCity Strategy has donated funds to Bike Edmonton so that we can give away a limited number of studded winter tires to help people start to winter cycle!

To be eligible to receive free studded winter tires, you have to

1. Read and fill out the WinterCity Studded Tire Challenge 2021 form

2. be 16 years of age or older,

3. be new or relatively new to winter cycling,

4. do three winter cycling challenges by December 31, 2021, like attending a virtual winter cycling seminar or sending us pictures of you and your bike out in winter conditions. You can choose from ten challenges that are listed on the form. All challenges help you gain the knowledge and confidence for winter cycling! Six of the ten challenges are free.

5. finally, you'll fill out a questionnaire by January 15, 2022 to tell us if the program helped you.

Pretty easy, right? After filling out the form (step 1 above), we'll let you know if you'll receive free studded winter tires. If you are selected to receive free studded tires, you get the tires first, then you'll work toward your selected winter cycling challenges and email us when you've achieved one of your challenges (or when you decide to switch to a different challenge).

This challenge is generously sponsored by the City of Edmonton WinterCity Strategy. WinterCity works with community groups and Edmontonians to enable and promote positive winter experiences. Bike Edmonton is thrilled to work with the WinterCity Strategy to help Edmontonians embrace the colder season!