Northeast trails and Edmonton-Strathcona Footbridge

Why are people excited about the new Edmonton-Strathcona County Footbridge, which recently held engagement for the concept design?

The footbridge will connect two already-complete trails, the East End Trails near Edmonton’s northeast Horse Hill neighbourhood, and the Riverside Nature Trail and Trans Canada Trail in Strathcona County.


Both trails are complete, including shared path connections completely separated from traffic (you can bike all the way from Rundle Park to Riverside Nature Trail without biking on the road), but you won’t find them on Google Maps! If you haven’t been to the northeast in recent years since these trails were completed, it’s worth a visit.

Check out our map for a full river valley route (with detour around LRT construction) that can be biked. The route pictured includes some unpaved sections in Hermitage Park, but you can stick to the adjacent paved trail if you prefer.

You can also find the Edmonton-side trails in the Discover YEG Living Map.