Do you love gardens and cycling?
Help out with the Community Garden Tour on Sunday, August 15! This easy paced on-street bike tour is organized by Sustainable Food Edmonton (SFE). Bike Edmonton is an enthusiastic partner in this unique urban adventure, which is also an opportunity to connect with people who have little or no urban cycling experience. It's a beautiful way to find out about communities, gardens, and how to get places by bike! By volunteering, you'll help participants get to each community garden safely and you get to share the joy of easy cycling to fun destinations.
Be a ride marshal! Five volunteers are needed. The route is not physically challenging for someone who rides their bike fairly regularly. Bike Edmonton staff will lead the tour and you'll help ensure that the group stays together as much as possible. If you haven't done this role before, all the training you need will be provided in an email sent to you before the ride, and at the volunteer check-in just before the ride.
Date: Sunday, August 15, 2021
Location: Millwoods area
For more information about the Community Garden ride marshal role and to sign up, please visit the volunteer sign-up form.