Volunteers needed for Bike Edmonton's casino, December 30 and 31, 2020

This year the Bike Edmonton casino dates are Wednesday, December 30 and Thursday, December 31, 2020. We are at the Starlight Casino, 8882 170 St NW in West Edmonton Mall. You do not need any experience or knowledge of casinos or games to volunteer at Bike Edmonton's casino event. We have professional advisers to provide training and guidance in every aspect of our volunteer roles. Training will happen at the start of your shift. For more information or to sign up to volunteer for the casino, please visit our Bike Edmonton Casino 2020 Volunteer Sign-up Form.

Bike Edmonton uses licensed charitable casino events to raise funds for our activities. Once every two years, we staff a casino with volunteers for two days, which generally raises over $70,000 to support our organization. This year, following Covid-19 restrictions, we will have fewer volunteers in the casino. Volunteering during these holiday dates is equivalent to receiving an extra ~$17,500.

By volunteering at this event, your 4-8 hour shift is equivalent to donation of thousands of dollars to Bike Edmonton. Although there is a chance that the casinos will close again because of Covid-19, we move forward in hope as always.