Edmonton Folk Music Festival
Volunteer for Bike Edmonton at the 2019 Edmonton Folk Music Festival!
No experience or training necessary. You will be assisting folk festival volunteers in taxi control or ensuring the security of the bike compound at the end of night.
Volunteers will receive a working pass for the same day as their shift. This allows full access to the festival as a regular patron for the day. Additionally, volunteers will ALSO receive a complimentary, transferable ticket to the festival itself for a day of their choosing (1 comp ticket and 1 working pass with each shift worked).
Shifts are 3-4 hours in the evening (you can volunteer for multiple shifts to get multiple day passes as well as multiple complimentary tickets). The folk festival also provides an honorarium to Bike Edmonton for each shift our volunteers work, magnifying your contribution to the community!
Click here to sign up and see more details about volunteering.
Interstellar Rodeo
You can also volunteer to supervise bike parking at Interstellar Rodeo!
The line-up includes Sharon van Etten, K'Naan, Rheostatics, Whitehorse, Lucius, Saul Williams, Weaves, and others!
Volunteering for a 10 hour commitment (across the weekend) provides you with a free weekend pass to the festival, including a food voucher for each shift and ticket to the after party.
Sign up here to volunteer at Interstellar Rodeo.