Both BikeWorks locations will be closed on Sunday, September 28th, 2014 for our Annual General Meeting, happening from 1pm-3pm at Ritchie Community Hall (7727 98 St). Everyone is welcome to attend. We will be presenting our annual awards for contributions to EBC and the larger cycling community. If you know someone who deserves recognition for volunteering with EBC or enriching cycling culture in Edmonton, please nominate them today!
Our President and Treasurer will present their reports to the membership, we will present our Annual Report, and vote on bylaw amendments and next year’s budget. We will also be having elections to fill several positions on the Board of Directors. If you are interested in helping to set the direction of our growing organization, or know someone that can lead us towards a better city for cycling and walking, please visit our nominations page.
The EBC Board proposes the following changes to the 2013 EBC Bylaw, which can be found at
Current wording of 2013 EBC Bylaw, Section 'Election of the Board of Directors' (b) - The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members in good standing, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM. Any member may nominate from the floor any member in good standing who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve.
Proposed changes (highlighted) - The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members in good standing, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM. Any member may nominate from the floor any member in good standing who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve.
Proposed final wording: The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM. Any member may nominate from the floor any member who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve.
Definition of "in good standing" - Regular Members who have been members for at least one calendar month and any honorary members shall be considered members in good standing. A regular member who has lapsed for no more than six months shall also be considered a member in good standing immediately upon payment of their dues.
Rationale: An edit to the bylaws was brought forward to the AGM in 2013 to propose opening the opportunity to nominate to the board those who may not be current members, either in that their current membership has elapsed or they have recently purchased a membership, and wish to be more involved. As it stands several members nominated to the board in the past have inadvertently violated this clause.
At the AGM in 2013 the previously proposed wording left some members concerned about the potential for a 'hostile takeover,' or having a majority group purchase memberships the day of the AGM and nominate their own candidates to the board. The wording proposed at the 2014 AGM would continue to give voting power to only members in good standing (as per Election of the Board of Directors (d): All members in good standing who are present at the AGM shall be eligible to vote.), thus minimizing the opportunity for a day-of takeover.
If you have any questions or concerns about this proposed change in advance of the AGM please contact Kristen Flath, Director of Policy, and