The future of bike routes in Edmonton
Several motions and inquiries regarding cycling have been brought forth at City Hall in the past several weeks. EBC spoke to the two reports that were presented regarding cycling. You can read the motions and a link to the minutes from those meetings below. One of the biggest decisions that Council will make is still to come over the next few weeks, as Council sets priorities and chooses to fund (or not fund) projects in the 4-year Capital Budget 2015-18. You can support funding of cycling infrastructure by calling or writing to your councillor, or speaking to Council on November 24 during the City Council Budget Non-Statutory Public Hearing.
As the Edmonton Bike Coalition has highlighted, the only bike route project that's currently funded is the 83 Ave route. 102 Ave, other downtown routes, and indeed all other planned high-priority routes are currently unfunded. If Council doesn't move to explicitly allocate funding, either as a standalone project or as part of other funded projects, then aside from 83 Ave, no major bike infrastructure is likely to be constructed until the next capital budget cycle in 2019-2022.
- Downtown LRT line good route for bike boulevard, Edmonton councillor says. Edmonton Journal, September 12, 2014
- Edmonton councillor ‘optimistic’ 102 Avenue bike lane will get funded. Metro News, November 4, 2014
- Lobby efforts hope to change Edmonton city budget priorities. Edmonton Journal, November 5, 2014
- More Edmonton bike lanes six years away if council balks at funding in upcoming budget: cyclists. Metro News, November 6, 2014
97 St from 63 Ave to 34 Avenue
Recently, a councillor inquiry has prompted new re-examination of the bike route along 97 St, south of 63 Ave. The full text of the inquiry is below, but in order to better understand the conditions and needs of users, we're conducting a short survey until November 27, 2014.
Councillor thoughts
- Councillor floating idea of bringing back bike licences. CTV Edmonton, October 16, 2014
- Together, We’ve Created A Smarter Bike Plan., October 17, 2014.
- City council gains a “crazy” winter biker. Edmonton Journal, November 14, 2014
- Scott McKeen: I just need my space, man., November 19, 2014.
Transportation Committee Meeting
October 15, 2014
6.1. Bike Routes - Assessment of Community Needs, Safety, and Underused Bike Lanes
- Bike Routes - Assessment of Community Needs, Safety and Underused Bike Lanes Report
- Bike Routes - Assessment of Community Needs, Safety and Underused Bike Lanes Presentation
- Bike Routes - Assessment of Community Needs, Safety and Underused Bike Lanes - Attachment 1
Moved M. Walters:
Performance Standards and Clear Measures - Bike Lanes
That Administration provide a report outlining the development of performance standards including clear measures and targets for existing and future bike lane ridership.
Due Date Second Quarter 2015 In Favour: D. Iveson, A. Sohi, M. Walters, B. Anderson, B. Esslinger Carried
Moved M. Walters:
Community Engagement Studies on Performance and Safety - Bike Lanes
That Administration provide a outlining: · The results of community engagement studies to be conducted to seek input from affected community stakeholders, including the schools, surrounding the 106 Street and 40 Avenue and 119 Street and 40 Avenue intersections. · Plans to improve the performance and safety of these intersections.
Due Date: Second Quarter 2015 In Favour: D. Iveson, A. Sohi, M. Walters, B. Anderson, B. Esslinger Carried
Moved B. Anderson:
Alternative Bike Lane for 95 Avenue
That Administration provide a report outlining the cost and feasibility of relocating the bike lane on 95th Avenue to the service road.
Due Date: Second Quarter 2015 In Favour: D. Iveson, A. Sohi, M. Walters, B. Anderson, B. Esslinger Carried
City Council Meeting
October 22, 2014
COUNCILLOR INQUIRIES - 3.3. Bike Lane Removal (M. Nickel)
Maintaining balance between travel modes as well as achieving the support of communities and stakeholders are important parts of creating a healthy, multi-modal city. In some cases when changes to travel modes are made, the unintended consequences for commuters and communities are felt more by some stakeholders than others.
Can Administration provide information on the current status of 97th Street Bike Lanes south of 63rd Avenue (to 34th Avenue), specifically including information on:
1. The impact of the bike lane installations on the neighbouring industrial/commercial communities as determined through community consultation.
2. The value of the 97th Street north south route to the bicycle community as a connector between destinations as determined by community and stakeholder consultation.
3. Alternate routes that could be considered that would provide similar bicycle network connectivity.
4. The cost of relocating 97th street Bike Lane to a location with similar connectivity.
Due Date: Feb. 4, 2015
Transportation Committee Meeting
October 29, 2014
6.2. 106th Street Bike Route Winter Spring Maintenance Pilot Project
Moved B. Esslinger:
That the October 15, 2014, Transportation Services report CR_1422, be received for information.In Favour: D. Iveson, A. Sohi, M. Walters, B. Anderson, B. Esslinger Carried