Notice of special resolution: proposed changes to EBC bylaws
Notice is hereby given to all EBC members that there is intention to propose the following resolution to be passed as a special resolution during the EBC Annual General Meeting on October 2, 2016. WHEREAS the Board of Directors of the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters Society recommends amendments to the Society's Bylaws;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Bylaws be amended as follows:
- Delete from Section 4(a) [Duties of the Board of Directors] in its entirety and replace it with:
- 4(a) "The Board is required to hold a meeting, which shall be chaired by an Interim Chair who shall be an outgoing Board member or a member at large, within one calendar month of the AGM. The date for this meeting must be set at the AGM. At this meeting, the Board shall elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. No person who has held any combination of these positions during each of the previous four years shall be eligible to hold any of these positions for a fifth consecutive year. The Duties of the Interim Chair shall terminate on completion of the election of officers."
4(a) The Board is required to hold a meeting, which shall be chaired by an Interim Chair who shall be an outgoing Board member or a member at large, within one calendar month of the AGM. The date for this meeting must be set at the AGM. At this meeting, the Board shall elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Duties of the Interim Chair shall terminate on completion of the election of officers.
- Delete from Section 6(g) [Election of the Board of Directors] in its entirety
6(g) No board member who has served four years or more consecutively shall be eligible for re-election.
- Renumber Section 6 accordingly.
For any questions or concerns, please contact us.