Bike History of Edmonton Tour
Join Bike Edmonton on an easy-paced urban bike tour to celebrate 40 years of Bike Edmonton history on September 19, 2020!
We’ll visit historical Bike Edmonton locations and talk about the genesis of cycling advocacy in Edmonton, and the City’s attempts over the years to develop bike infrastructure.
We’ll be cycling about 9 kilometers with lots of breaks, which is an accessible distance for many adults. Our final destination will be Bike Edmonton’s new Downtown Community Bicycle Workshop, where particpants will enjoy a complimentary food truck lunch (your choice of either "Slow Carb Bowl" or "Burrito Molé") and a sun tea drink (fruit infused green tea), sponsored by Sustainable Food Edmonton! We'll also be providing tours of our new shop. A special thank you to our other sponsor, Alberta Ecotrust.
Participants will also receive a limited quantity Bike Edmonton sticker. Those who also sign up for the Explore Bike Edmonton Challenge and register the distance they’ve ridden this summer before the ride will also receive free bike lights and a bell.