PEDAL / Our Community Bikes
PEDAL stands for Pedal Energy Development ALternatives. It is an umbrella organization for several bicycle related projects in the Vancouver area. Currently the main projects of PEDAL are Our Community Bikes, the PEDAL Bike Depot and After School Bike Program. PEDAL grew out of Our Community Bikes (OCB) which was started in 1993 as a project of BEST (Better Environmentally Sound Transportation). The original idea was to provide a do-it-yourself bike shop and recycling service to commuter cyclist in Vancouver. In the spring of 1999, BEST transferred OCB to Pedal Engery Development ALternatives and a new non-profit society was born.
By recycling and refurbishing bicycles, PEDAL takes bikes out of the waste stream, offers affordable bikes for sale, and encourages cycling as a sustainable, healthy transportation choice.