Bike Edmonton

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Evalyn Parry's SPIN

Evalyn Parry's SPIN is coming to Horizon Stage on March 9. EBC members receive a special discounted ticket price of $25, including all fees & taxes (reg. price is $35). To purchase tickets, use the promo code found by checking your membership status to buy tickets online or call the box office at 780-962-8995.

Innovative, award-winning Toronto artist Evalyn Parry External takes her audience on an uncommon theatrical and musical journey in SPIN, her tour-de-force performance celebrating the Bicycle as muse, musical instrument, and agent of social change. Inspired in part by the incredible true tale of Annie Londonderry - the first woman to ride around the world on a bicycle in 1894 - Parry spins a web of stories which travel from 19th century women's emancipation to 21st century consumer culture, peeling back layers of history to ultimately reveal a profoundly contemporary and personal heart to her theme of liberation.

"... a welcome breath of fresh air SPIN makes something beautiful out of taking your life into your own hands." - Globe & Mail