Bike Edmonton 2020 Annual General Meeting and Notice of Special Resolution
The Bike Edmonton Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held Saturday, October 3, 2020, from 1-3pm at picnic site #2 of Victoria Park, just behind the Victoria Park Pavilion (map).
This will be an outdoor meeting following COVID-19 precautions, and the focus will be limited to required-business: presentation and approval of audited financials and next year’s budget, an update on the activities of the Society, vote on a special resolution, and the election of the Board of Directors.
Everyone is invited to attend, hear updates about our new downtown location and COVID-19’s impact, and vote on important business. Only members-in-good-standing are eligible to vote: check your membership status (and renew your membership) here.
If you are interested in helping to set the direction of our growing organization, or know someone eager to help build Edmonton as a better city for cycling and walking, please visit our nominations page for details about the roles and responsibilities. Candidates can also be nominated from the floor at the AGM. Directors will be elected by our membership at the AGM.
Special Resolution
Notice of Special Resolution: proposed changes to voting and meetings
Notice is hereby given to all Bike Edmonton members that there is intention to propose the following to be passed as a Special Resolution during the Bike Edmonton Annual General Meeting on October 3, 2020.
WHEREAS the Board of Directors of the Bike Edmonton Society recommends amendments to the Society’s Bylaws;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Bylaws be amended as follows:
Delete "physically" from §7(d).
Delete "physically" from §8(f).
Add 8(g):If the Society chooses to make available a telephonic, electronic or other communication facility that permits all participants to communicate adequately with each other during a meeting of members, any person entitled to attend such meeting may participate in the meeting by means of such telephonic, electronic or other communication facility in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of the Society. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting. Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, any person participating in a meeting of members pursuant to this section who is entitled to vote at that meeting may vote, in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Society, by means of any telephonic, electronic or other communication facility that the organization has made available for that purpose.
The proposed changes in full can be viewed here.
Outdoor Meeting
This meeting is being held outdoors, rain or shine or snow. Please be prepared for the weather, and dress for being sedentary. Accessible washrooms (with running water) are available in pavilion nearby. Car parking is available. Most people will access the site from River Valley Road (by car or bike). You can bring your bicycle directly to the site, or lock up at the bike racks in front of the pavilion.
There are a dozen picnic tables under a sheltered canopy at the meeting site; we will not be providing food or refreshments, so bring a picnic if you like! You may bring your own seating as well if you prefer.
Members who are unable or uncomfortable attending in-person, but wish to participate, should contact us. We are working on accomodations for virtual attendance and voting, but due to technological challenges of conducting outdoor livestreaming and electronic voting, we are unable to guarantee full participation or complete secrecy in ballots (if we do provide for electronic voting, the election administrator may be able to see votes). If you are a member-in-good-standing and wish to participate remotely, you will need to contact us directly at least 1 week prior to the AGM so we can ensure each individual participant has their unique and secure voting access.
COVID-19 Precautions
Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19; with a history of international travel in the last 14 days; or with close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days must remain at home.
To respect the comfort and safety of everyone, please give 2m of space to people not within your cohort, and follow all public health guidelines. We encourage attendees to wear masks for the duration of the meeting.